La decisione (la cui versione, non ancora ufficiale, è disponibile qui), assunta in data 11 novembre 2022 e annunciata il 14 (comunicato disponibile qui), anticipa al 1 gennaio 2023 la possibilità per i titolari di domande di brevetto europeo pendenti di richiedere un rinvio della concessione del brevetto richiesto in attesa della entrata
Unified Patent Court: Protocol on Provisional Application enters into force
By Vittorio Cerulli Irelli on
Following yesterday’s deposit by Austria of its instrument of ratification of the Protocol on Provisional Application of the Agreement on the Unified Patent Court, the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union has just declared that the Protocol has now entered into force. Similar statements were issued by the European Patent Office and…
UPC news: Germany ratifies the Protocol on Provisional Application
By Lorenzo Battarino on
The Federal Government of Germany has just announced that it has deposited the instrument of ratification for the Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court. This is a decisive step towards the start of UPC operations in the near future, after years of uncertainties.
As explained by the Preparatory…