Con la sentenza n. 2615/2024 del 4 marzo 2024, il Tribunale di Roma – Sezione Lavoro ha stabilito che l’influencer che opera in maniera stabile e continuativa è qualificabile come agente di commercio, con conseguente obbligo, per la società che lo ingaggia a scopi promozionali, di versare i contributi previdenziali alla Fondazione Enasarco (l’ente
Influencer marketing: nuove linee guida adottate dall’AGCOM, primo passo verso un codice del settore
Quando un nuovo fenomeno assume dimensioni considerevoli, diventa imprescindibile l’istituzione di un sistema di regole, e il fenomeno dell’influencer marketing reclamava ormai da tempo un intervento normativo.
Con un “primo grande passo”, così come definito dalla stessa Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni nel relativo comunicato stampa (disponibile qui), il Consiglio…
The EU General Court provides clarification on the minimum degree of distinctive character applied to trademarks consisting of slogans
With decision No. T-253/20, issued on 20 January 2021, the EU General Court annulled the decision of the EUIPO Board of Appeal issued under Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR regarding the refusal of the registration of the word sign “IT’S LIKE MILK BUT MADE FOR HUMANS”.
The decision provides significant clarification on the requirements…
The EU General Court provides clarification on trademarks consisting of slogans, advertising messages, idiomatic expressions
With the decision No. T-156/19, issued on 13 May 2020, the EU General Court confirmed the refusal of the registration of the wordmark “we’re on it” under Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR. The decision provides significant clarification on trademarks consisting of slogans, advertising messages, idiomatic expressions, and indications of quality or incitements to purchase the…
New rules against ambush marketing in Italy: a welcome improvement or a missed chance?
In view of the 2026 Milan-Cortina Olympic Games, Italian legislators have been revisiting the legislation currently in place and have brought into force some additional and useful measures to protect official advertisers of the Olympics against the so-called ‘ambush marketing’.
On 13 May 2020, Law 31/2020 came into force amending and converting the Law Decree…