When using colours in internet and social media marketing strategies, companies are able to transmit values and emotions, thus enhancing the effectiveness of promotional messages. For this reason, the role of colour branding in the definition of brand identity is becoming increasingly fundamental for trademark rights. In particular, the role of eye-catching trademarks has become
EPO released the Patent Index 2020: in the year of Covid-19, Italy plays a major role in healthcare innovation
By Nicolò Mosiello on
The European Patent Office (EPO) released the Patent Index 2020, which gives an overview of the filing activities in the EU during the past year. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic’s dramatic impact on all aspects of the economy, the number of patent applications filed only slightly declined with a 0.7% decrease compared to 2019.
Heraeus v. Biomet: in application of the proportionality principle the Court of Milan grants a one-year “grace period” for a final injunction to take effect
By Daniel Borgogni on
Posted in Italy, Trade Secrets
Towards the end of last year, the Court of Milan issued a decision in a high-profile trade secrets case whereby it granted a one-year “grace period” for a final injunction to take effect (Court of Milan, 29 October 2019, Heraeus v. Biomet – available on darts-ip). The Court did so by explicitly acknowledging…