Il 25 ottobre 2023 l’EPO ha pubblicato un report sulle tendenze brevettuali nel campo dei vaccini a mRNA. Si tratta del nono patent insight report pubblicato dall’EPO, il secondo concernente il settore medico. Il report illustra le basi delle tecnologie a mRNA e il suo sviluppo cronologico e riporta una vasta gamma di dati utili


The Health Improvement Network (“THIN”) is a database containing health information from millions of patients provided by thousands of doctors throughout the UK, France, Spain, Belgium, Romania and Italy[1]. The data is used by several institutions to develop important studies on health management, primary and secondary care, epidemiologic research, medicinal approval, among

The European Patent Office (EPO) released the Patent Index 2020, which gives an overview of the filing activities in the EU during the past year. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic’s dramatic impact on all aspects of the economy, the number of patent applications filed only slightly declined with a 0.7% decrease compared to 2019.
