With decision of May 8, 2023, the EUIPO Cancellation Division provided relevant clarification concerning the use of a trademark in relation to specific registered goods.

Facts of the proceedings

In April 2022, an application for revocation for non-use pursuant to Article 58(1)(a) EUTMR was filed against the International Registration designating the European Union “K-WAY

Nella serata di martedì 18 luglio, la Camera dei Deputati ha definitivamente approvato il Disegno di legge di riforma del Codice della Proprietà Industriale (D.lgs. 10 febbraio 2005, n. 30). La riforma – nel perseguire gli obiettivi già fissati dalla Commissione Europea nel suo Action Plan[1] del 2020, successivamente inseriti nel PNRR – mira

With a first instance ruling issued on 20 April 2023 (available here), the Court of Florence has ordered Condé Nast (editor of GQ Italy) to pay EUR 50,000 plus interest as compensation for damages arising from the unauthorized use of the image of the David by Michelangelo.

The case, which was brought by the

Just a couple of days ago, the announcement by the Court that no agreement could be reached among Member States and therefore the competencies of the London seat of the Central Division would be split between Paris and Munich opened a debate on the possibilities for Milan to host the Central Division.

The Italian Government

Sono oggi sempre più diffusi sistemi di intelligenza artificiale “creativi” che, attraverso meccanismi di apprendimento automatico profondo (deep learning) implicanti un addestramento su imponenti set di dati, tipicamente reperiti online, sono in grado di generare immagini, testo, o linee di codice a partire da un semplice testo in pochi secondi.

Le potenzialità

The Next Rembrandt” [ING Group, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Nelle ultime settimane il fenomeno ChatGPT è esploso; se per la maggior parte degli utenti questo suscita curiosità e desiderio di torchiare il robot con le domande più disparate, per i giuristi – soprattutto quelli che si occupano

The first Italian judgment granting a preliminary injunction concerning NFTs (that were deemed to be infringing trademark rights, see our post here) has been followed by another European judgment on the matter: at the end of October 2022, the Commercial Court of Barcelona issued a partial preliminary injunction, ordering the custody of the allegedly

The European Patent Office (EPO) has recently released the outcomes of its new study named “Women’s participation in inventive activity”, which aims at better understanding the presence of women inventors across different countries, time periods, technology fields and applicant types.

The study is set against a background of growing interest shown by the

The Court of Rome sets a landmark precedent by granting an injunction against the creator of NFTs displaying images of a football player, reproducing without authorization the registered trademarks owned by Italian football club Juventus FC. This is the first known judgement by a European court holding that NFTs reproducing a third party’s trademarks without